Here's how to cook meals in your truck while on the road

Updated Feb 27, 2024

Preparing most or even some of your meals in your truck while on the road allows you to money while eating healthier. Here are some tips from Jeremy and Tiffany Wallin, a married couple who drive over-the-road and prepare meals in their truck.


In their search for healthier meals, the Wallins have purchased essential appliances to assist them in cooking in their truck. The appliances include a George Foreman Grill, microwave, fridge, Instant Pot, and slow cooker. The Wallins use a Cummins 5000W Power Inverter to power these appliances, apart from the fridge. There are various other options to cook in your truck without a power inverter as well. The RoadPro 12V appliances come in handy for a lot of truckers and those living off-grid.


The Wallins often plan up to a week and a half of meals before going over the road. Tiffany vacuum-seals her meats and veggies to save space in the fridge. They typically shop at Walmart or local grocery stores during their travels to ensure a steady supply of fresh ingredients after their prepped meals are all gone. Tiffany, a fan of keto and diet foods that aren’t often available on the road, stocks up on these before leaving home. Their go-to meals include salads, fish, chick- en breasts, and paninis. All these meals are prepared using the instant pot or grill. In the winter months, they enjoy soups and chili to combat the cold weather.


Cooking meals in your truck can take a lot of time. However, prepping most of your meals before you leave home can help save time on the road. Tiffany spends approximately one hour cooking meals each day with 15 minutes for prep, 30-45 minutes for cooking, and 15 minutes for cleanup.


With small living quarters, it is crucial to keep your truck organized. With plastic drawers for spices, snacks, and cooking appliances or utensils, the Wallins demonstrate how maintaining organization can significantly speed up the cooking process, making it less of a hassle on the road. Cooking on the road takes planning and putting in a little time to prep your meals for the week or however long you are out for. Here are a few simple recipes to make over the road to get you started!


Jeremy and Tiffany Wallin, members of the RoadPro Pro Driver Council and drivers for the Bennett Family of Companies, navigate the open roads for weeks at a time while cooking in their truck. The Wallins have mastered the art of on-the-go cooking to maintain a nutritious lifestyle.