Stephen King’s latest novel, “The Outsider,” follows a criminal investigation that begins after a child’s body is found in a town park. Evidence points the city toward a local Little League coach and English teacher, who is ultimately arrested but has an alibi. Detectives move forward with a case against him, but was he the killer? Is there a dark side to this man?
Writing for The New York Times, author Victor LaValle says King’s latest novel is more than just a story about crime and prosecution.
“I don’t want to spoil anything, but come on, this is Stephen King,” LaValle wrote. “Monsters of one kind or another are what the man does best, and ‘The Outsider’ delivers a good one.”
The novel, published May 22, will be available as an audiobook from Barnes & Noble for $49.99 starting June 22. The Audible version of the audiobook is available now for one credit or for $24.49.
The novel is narrated by Will Patton. It is published by Simon & Schuster Audio.