One last reminder: The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) International Roadcheck is scheduled for May 14-16.
During this high-visibility, high-volume commercial motor vehicle inspection and regulatory compliance enforcement initiative CVSA-certified law enforcement personnel will inspect commercial motor vehicles and drivers at weigh/inspection stations, temporary sites and mobile patrols to verify compliance with federal, state, provincial or territorial regulations.
Each year, International Roadcheck places special emphasis on a category of violations. This year's focus areas are tractor protection systems and alcohol and controlled substance possession.
Controlled substance and alcohol possession/use remains a significant concern for motor carriers, drivers and the general public. The number of prohibited drivers listed in the U.S. Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse (DACH) has been increasing. This alarming trend poses a threat to all motorists who travel on roadways throughout North America, according to the CVSA.
In addition, by focusing on the tractor protection systems, Roadcheck aims to increase awareness for drivers, motor carriers, technicians and enforcement personnel of the tractor protection valve, trailer supply valve and anti-bleed back valve, which may be overlooked during trip and roadside inspections. To assist drivers and motor carriers in the proactive assessment and maintenance of those components, CVSA has provided an inspection bulletin outlining the steps on how to properly check tractor protection systems. The bulletin is also available in French and Spanish.
Over the three days of International Roadcheck, inspectors will conduct their routine North American Standard Level I Inspection, which is a thorough 37-step inspection procedure consisting of the examination of vehicle components and driver documentation and requirements.
During the vehicle portion of the Level I Inspection, inspectors will ensure the vehicle’s brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, driveline/driveshaft components, driver’s seat, fuel and exhaust systems, frames, lighting devices, steering mechanisms, suspensions, tires, wheels, rims, hubs, and windshield wipers are compliant with regulations. In addition, inspections of motorcoaches, passenger vans and other passenger-carrying vehicles will also include the examination of emergency exits, seating, and electrical cables and systems in the engine and battery compartments.
A vehicle that successfully passes a Level I or V Inspection without any critical vehicle inspection item violations may receive a CVSA decal, which is valid for three months.
If out-of-service violations are found during an inspection, the vehicle will be restricted from operating until all out-of-service violations have been properly addressed.
During the driver portion of an inspection, inspectors will check the driver’s operating credentials, hours-of-service documentation, DACH status (in the U.S.), seat belt usage, and for alcohol and/or drug impairment.
If an inspector identifies driver out-of-service violations, such as not possessing a valid or necessary operating license or exhibiting signs of impairment, the inspector will restrict that driver from operating their vehicle.
For International Roadcheck, in case of inclement weather or other limiting circumstances, instead of a Level I Inspection, a jurisdiction or an inspector may opt to conduct a Level II Walk-Around Driver/Vehicle Inspection or Level III Driver/Credential/Administrative Inspection, neither of which are eligible for a CVSA decal.