The new pay scale, which took effect Sunday, Jan. 1, compensates drivers based on their verifiable CDL driving experience, as well as their time with Baylor, the company says. Nicole Egbert, marketing coordinator for Baylor, says Baylor drivers with more experience could see as much as a four cent per mile increase in base pay.
Additionally, drivers with more than 2,500 miles in a week get paid a productivity incentive of an extra one cent per mile. The company’s full pay scale can be seen here.
“Baylor drivers work hard, they care about safety and service,” says Baylor Trucking President Cari Baylor. “We are proud of men and women delivering America daily and are excited to pay them more for their contributions.”
Baylor’s congestion pay for deliveries made in New York City and Long Island was also increased, the company says, from $100 per load to $130 per load.