Issues of women truck drivers subject of Oct. 4 EEOC listening session

Updated Sep 10, 2024
Woman driver next to her truck (AI generated)

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will hold an online listening session Oct. 4 to hear about the needs of women truck drivers.

The listening session will provide a platform for drivers to communicate their personal experiences to the EEOC and offer suggestions on how the agency can better address their unique issues, according to a statement from the EEOC.

Commissioner Kalpana Kotagal of the EEOC will conduct the listening session Friday, Oct. 4 at noon ET.

This virtual listening session will focus on the unique needs of the women of trucking. The commissioner will provide brief opening remarks and hear from workers about their experiences with employment discrimination and recommendations for progress. This session is off the record and will not be recorded.

The session is part of the EEOC's REACH Initiative. REACH strives to prevent and remedy employment discrimination by ensuring that workers have access to the EEOC’s services and know their rights. By making the Commission more accessible to those historically underserved, the initiative advances fair and inclusive workplaces with equal opportunity for all.

Sign up for the listening session.