The American Trucking Associations launched a new Share the Road video to demonstrate safe-driving techniques ahead of the upcoming Labor Day weekend.

Tips from the video include:
- Recognize blind spots: All four sides of the tractor-trailer have a blind spot. A good rule of thumb is, “If you can’t see the driver’s face, the driver can’t see you.”
- Wear your safety belt: Seat belts save lives. Day or night, front seat or back seat – wearing a safety belt can save your life.
- Slow down: Chances of a crash nearly triple when driving faster than the surrounding traffic.
- Be alert in work zones: The spring and summer seasons are when work zones are most common. Reduce speeds and pay close attention to barriers and workers when traveling through these zones.
- Keep your eyes on the road: Distracted driving is a major cause of traffic accidents. A car traveling at 60 miles per hour covers more than 500 feet in 6 seconds – even texting the word “Ok” is a major risk. Do not text and drive.
- Maintain a safe following distance: Vehicles traveling too closely behind trucks may not be able to recognize changes in the flow of traffic and will be unable to make quick stops or avoid debris.
- Do not cut in front of large trucks: Trucks are heavier and take longer to make a complete stop, so avoid cutting directly in front of them.
- Prepare your vehicle for long distance travel: Check your wipers and fluids before departing on a trip. Have your radiator and cooling system regularly serviced. Simple maintenance can save lives and prevent motorists from being stranded.
- Leave early and avoid taking risks: Anxiety can be greatly reduced by leaving early for a long trip. Road conditions may change due to inclement weather or traffic congestion.