By Laurie Zwierzynski – Interstate Fit
As winter approaches, the weather may become a factor in keeping up with your workouts. Let’s face it, few of us want to go out into the cold and snow just to do a workout. However, the cold weather is no excuse to stop working out or postpone starting. You can complete a full workout exclusively in the confines of your truck sleeper cab.
We have all heard about the benefits of exercising. Various benefits include weight control, bone strength, improved sleep, and reduced risk of chronic diseases. But exercise also increases brain function and memory, aids digestion, reduces stress and anxiety, improves skin health, and promotes a healthy lifestyle. The benefits clearly outweigh the struggle to exercise into your day.
I’ll be honest, I don’t like to work out. I do it because I know that taking the time to implement small but attainable daily workouts adds to better health, attitude, and overall well-being. If I can manage to do it, so can you. The key is to fit your workouts in when and where you can. I often do a short workout in the cab while waiting to be loaded, unloaded, or during my 30-minute break. It is convenient to do and doesn’t cut into valued sleeper berth time. After all, a sleeper berth is for resting and sleeping.
My husband and I have been driving for 20+ years and know firsthand how difficult it is to stay in shape and remain healthy on the road. Bad weather, safe parking, privacy, filthy parking lots, low lighting, and a myriad other reasons make it difficult. We discussed the obstacles truckers face in accomplishing their tness goals on the road with our friend and certified personal trainer. In response, she designed some in-cab exercises for us to do. We tried them and loved the exercises so much that we decided to collaborate and share them with the trucking community at large. Interstate Fit was born.
Interstate Fit came to fruition through a group of friends dedicated to health and well-being. The focus is to promote over-the-road driver health. We are continuing to create and post short 10–15-minute exercise videos on YouTube. They can be completed within your sleeper cab. That’s right, even in the dead of winter!
Here are several great overall exercises that can be done in the cab to get you started with no equipment needed:
Modified Jumping Jack
- Stand with feet together, core engaged, and hands at your sides.
- Leaving your left foot in place, step your right foot wide to the right and bring your arms up to clap your hands in front of your chest.
- Step your right foot back to the center and bring your arms to your sides to return to starting position.
- Leaving your right foot in place, step your left foot wide to the left and bring your arms up to clap your hands in front of your chest.
- Step your left foot back to the center and bring your arms to your sides to return to starting position. (1rep completed)
Continue with steps 1-5 at a brisk pace for 30 seconds
High Knees
- Stand tall with feet hip distance apart.
- Lift your right knee as high as it will go and tap your knee with your hand.
- Lift your left knee as high as it will go and tap the knee with your hands.
- Switch back and forth briskly for 30 seconds.
- Stand tall with feet hip distance apart. Your hips knees and toes should be facing forward.
- Bend your knees and extend your buttocks backward as if you are going to sit down in a chair. Keep your weight in your heels and your knees back behind your toes.
- Rise back up and repeat.
For added support, you can hold onto the seat backs while squatting.
Continue steps 1-3 for 30 seconds
Seated Leg Raise
- Begin sitting on the edge of your bed with a straight back. Place hands flat to the side for support.
- Slowly straighten one knee until your leg is straight. Hold for 5 seconds.
- Return to starting position and repeat with your other leg.
- Do 8 reps on each leg.
Straight Leg Raise
- Begin lying flat on your back with both legs straight out.
- Bend one knee, keep your foot flat on your bed while keeping the other leg straight.
- Raise your straight leg until your thigh is parallel to your bent thigh. Make sure that your back doesn’t arch and your pelvis or leg does not rotate to either side.
- Return to starting position and repeat 8 times. 5. Switch legs.
As always listen to your body and don’t push beyond your limits. Be patient and take it slow. There is no reason you can’t work out during winter inside your sleeper cab. Keep it up and you will soon realize increased stamina and a better feel for each day.
For more in-cab workouts visit our YouTube page.
For more tips on trucking through winter visit the Overdrive and Truckers News Truckers' Gear Guide from the RoadPro Family of Brands.