Driver caught in the act of being “everyday life hero”

Pepsi truck driver caught in the act of being an “everyday life hero” (Photo by Vanessa Ford)

Sometimes, it’s easy to see social media outlets like Facebook as a place where the glass is always half empty and people dwell on the negative.

Not so for Vanessa Ford who made a quick post about a truck driver’s act of kinds in Spokane, Wash.

It seems an older woman using a walker was having a difficult time crossing a street because of traffic. The driver decided to help out by stopping his truck and trailer to block traffic so the woman could cross the street safely.

Ford witness the scene, snapped a photo and posted this:

“This Pepsi driver took both lanes to make sure this older woman with a walker made it safely across the street. Way to go mystery driver! ‪#‎everyDAYlifeHEROS‬. Just takes a moment and quick thinking to make a difference.”