Let’s admit it, some days being a truck driver is a bit grind.
You’ve all seen (maybe sworn at) the guy in the Lexus who suddenly remembers this is his exit and cuts across three lanes and in front of you to escape the interstate (and your wrath) at the last second. Then there’s the three-hour wait at the shipper’s dock. Or, the traffic outside Atlanta or the snow in Wyoming or the warning light on the dash at 1:30 in the morning between Hazleton and Nuangola on I-81.
But, then there’s the extraordinary beauty that just shows up as a welcome gift rather unexpectedly.
Two “Trucker News” readers shared the amazing sights they saw and captured on the same dat recently.
Steve Newman Jr. retired from driving 15 years ago, but, as he said when sharing this photo on our Facebook page, “… as you can tell, my heart has never left it.”
Steve grabbed an impressive and dramatic photo in Ross County in south central Ohio Tuesday, Nov. 1
Oddly enough, on the same day Brad Messenger captured this natural masterpiece while crossing the Peace Bridge from Buffalo into Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada.
Brad’s an an owner operator with Barnhart Transportation out of North East, Pennsylvania, driving a 2006 Peterbilt 379 pulling a liquid tanker.
We thank Steve and Brad for sharing their photos with us.
We hope you will share yours as well.