While every delivery made by truck drivers is special, some are extra special.
Such is the case for drivers and other employees at the Knight Transportation service center in Memphis. These folks gathered to make Valentine’s Day cards, but not for their spouses nor significant others. Instead, they made cards that were delivered today, Feb. 14, to children who are patients in the Le Bohneur Children’s Hospital.
“It definitely was great to see drivers and their dispatchers come together to make cards for the kids,” said Tiffany Rivchin, Knight’s director of marketing and advertising. “It’s so great to see so many caring individuals come together to create something that will help a child melt away their pain and anxiety, if only for a brief moment.”
Rivchin said drivers Michael Allen and Kevin Reed “did an amazing job encouraging their fellow drivers to help out.”
She adds, “One driver said he was glad to help put the box together and make cards. He said, ‘It made me think of how grateful we are and it was the least I can do. ‘Making the card tugged at my heart thinking of those kids.'”
The hand-made cards were distributed to children by FM 100, a Memphis radio station. Some 5,000 cards were shared with children.