With demand -- and prices -- for used trucks moving steadily toward the stratosphere, it's not beyond the realm of comprehension that you could find a listing like this in the Facebook Marketplace or on your favorite online truck dealer's website.
FOR SALE: One-of-a-kind custom tanker with plenty of extras. The Czech-made Tatra T815 has been married to a 1940's era Chevrolet Fleetmaster. All-wheel-drive and powered by two supercharged V8s. In all, it's 78 feet long and has a VW Beetle mounted on the back as a gun turret. Lovingly driven by Imperator Furiosa through a post-apocalyptic wasteland, this tractor-trailer is better known as The War Rig. "High octane offers" and "Expressions of madness" can be made on the Lloyd's Classic Car Auctions website before Sept. 26.
The Lloyd's Auction site -- with tongue firmly planted in cheek -- describes the lot as: "Blown, super-turbo charged and armed to the teeth with weaponry and War Boys, the machines that outran the end of civilization have been unearthed in the greatest barn-find ever recorded."
Up for sale are:
- The War Rig
- The Gigahorse
- The Doof Wagon
- Nux Car
- Convoy Car: Elvis
- Convoy Car: Flamer
- Razor Cola
- Pole Car
- Sabre Tooth
- Fire Car
- Caltrop: El Dorado
- Buggy: Ratrod Chev
- Buick: Heavy Artillery with Hummer Weapon Mount
These are but a few of the 200-plus custom vehicles built just for Fury Road. Not on the Lloyds auction block is Mack, an R-series Mack wrecker.
This is, as the folks at Lloyds say, "A truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own an entire Museum of Modern Masterpieces, survivors of the apocalypse that was the filming of Fury Road."
However, what Lloyds does not mention is if any of these vehicles would pass a Level I roadside inspection.
The War Rig
The Doof Wagon