Decker Truck Line, Inc. was founded by brothers Loren and Dale Decker in 1931. (Courtesy of Decker Truck Line, Inc.)
Decker Truck Line, Inc. was recently named the recipient of the 2014 Nestle USA Outstanding Partner Award.
The award is based on five criteria:
- making an effort to communicate issues that may arise on a daily basis,
- always willing to offer additional trucks to assist Nestle during high volume load season,
- making an effort to not over-commit themselves that may result in performance failures,
- accommodating any load tender to an destination to help with any situation
- making an effort to schedule all loads accordingly and as promptly as possible.
Decker was founded in 1931 by Loren Decker and his younger brother Dale Decker. The company now owns 750 tractors and nearly 1,600 trailers.
- Over the road pay rates for midwest reefer/van drivers:
- Starting pay range: 40-42 cents per mile (includes 8 cpm per diem)
- Basic level:
- 40 cpm
- 1-2 years of driving experience
- Select level:
- 41 cpm
- 2-4 years of driving experience
- Premium level:
- 42 cpm
- 4 or more years of driving experience
- Increase in pay: 1 cpm paid annually on anniversary date with a cap at 47 cpm
- Short haul pay:
- 0-1oo loaded miles = 20 cpm over base
- 101-150 loaded miles = 15 cpm over base
- 151-200 loaded miles = 12 cpm over base
- 201-250 loaded miles = 9 cpm over base
- 251-300 loaded miles = 6 cpm over base
- 301-350 loaded miles = 3 cpm over base
- 351-400 loaded miles = 2 cpm over base
- East coast pay:
- Loads delivering east of Interstate 81 (origins west of Mississippi River) = $50
- Loads delivering east of Interstate 81 (all other origins) = $25
- Stop pay:
- $15 for each additional pick up or delivery
- Excludes load origin and final delivery
- HazMat pay: An additional $50 per load will be paid on all placarded HazMat loads
- Trailer washout pay: $10 for an authorized vendor washout, or a driver will receive $15 for a self trailer washout
- Detention pay:
- $15 an hour when billed
- Maximum of $150
- Layover pay:
- After 24 hours of layover, at no fault of the driver, the driver qualifies for $60 layover pay
- For subsequent 24-hour periods of layover, the driver qualifies for an additional $100
- Layover pay is subject to the operation’s discretion and can be adjusted under special circumstances
- Regional pay rates for midwest flatbed drivers:
- Starting pay range: 43-45 cents per mile (includes 8 cpm per diem)
- Basic level:
- 43 cpm
- 0-1 years of driving experience
- Select level:
- 44 cpm
- 1-3 years of driving experience
- Premium level:
- 45 cpm
- 4 or more years of driving experience
- Increase in pay: 1 cpm paid annually on anniversary date with a cap at 50 cpm
- Stop pay:
- $25 for each additional pickup or delivery
- Loads out of USG in Cloquet, Minn. and Walworth, Wisc. pay $40 for each additional stop
- Excludes load origin and final delivery
- Over dimensional loads: When hauling over dimensional loads, drivers will be paid an additional 5 cents per loaded mile
- Chicago cross town loads: $40 plus mileage
- Short haul pay for loads less than 75 miles:
- $20 if driver takes empty trailer to load origin, tarps and secures load
- $20 if driver delivers load to final destination and removes tarps and securement
- Job site deliveries: $20 for each load that is delivered to a job site and the customer is billed specifically for this service
- East coast pay:
- $50 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81 (origins west of Mississippi River)
- $25 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81 but north of Virginia (all other origins)
- Side kit pay: $70 for Central Steel and Wire Chicago-Altoona
- HazMat pay: An additional $85 per load will be paid on all placarded HazMat loads
- Detention pay:
- $15 an hour when billed
- Maximum of $150
- Layover pay:
- After 24 hours of layover, at no fault of the driver, the driver qualifies for $60 layover pay
- For subsequent 24-hour periods of layover, the driver qualifies for an additional $100
- Layover pay is subject to the operation’s discretion and can be adjusted under special circumstances
- Over the road pay rates for western reefer/van drivers:
- Starting pay range: 35-37 cents per mile (includes 8 cpm per diem)
- Basic level:
- 35 cpm
- 1-2 years of driving experience
- Select level:
- 36 cpm
- 2-4 years of driving experience
- Premium level:
- 37 cpm
- 4 or more years of driving experience
- Increase in pay: 1 cpm paid annually on anniversary date with a cap at 42 cpm
- Short haul pay:
- 0-100 loaded miles = 20 cpm over base
- 101-150 loaded miles = 15 cpm over base
- 151-200 loaded miles = 12 cpm over base
- 201-250 loaded miles = 9 cpm over base
- 251-300 loaded miles = 6 cpm base
- 301-350 loaded miles = 3 cpm over base
- 351-400 loaded miles = 2 cpm over base
- East Coast pay:
- $50 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81 (origins west of Mississippi River)
- $25 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81 (all other origins)
- Stop pay:
- $15 for each additional pickup or delivery
- Excludes load origin and final delivery
- HazMat pay: An additional $50 per load will be paid on all placarded HazMat loads
- Trailer washout pay: $10 for an authorized vendor washout, or the driver will receive $15 for a self trailer washout
- Detention pay:
- $15 an hour when billed
- Maximum of $150
- Layover pay:
- After 24 hours of layover, at no fault of the driver, the driver qualifies for $60 layover pay
- For subsequent 24-hour periods of layover, the driver qualifies for an additional $100
- Layover pay is subject to the operation’s discretion and can be adjusted under special circumstances
- Over the road pay rates for western flatbed drivers:
- Starting pay range: 35-37 cents per mile (includes 8 cpm per diem)
- Bronze level:
- 35 cpm
- 0-2 years of driving experience
- Silver level:
- 36 cpm
- 2-4 years of driving experience
- Gold level:
- 37 cpm
- 4 or more years of driving experience
- Increase in pay: 1 cpm paid annually on anniversary date with a cap at 42 cpm
- Stop pay:
- $25 for each additional pickup or delivery
- Loads out of USG in Cloquet, Minn. and Walworth, Wis. pay $40 for each additional stop
- Excludes load origin and final delivery
- Steel tarp and securement pay: Tarp pay for system flatbed drivers for iron and steel loads will be paid $20 per load
- Over dimensional loads: When hauling over dimensional loads, drivers will be paid an additional 5 cents per loaded mile
- All loads that are not steel and iron, or have not been preloaded by a loading service, will be paid $10 for securement and tarping
- Chicago cross town loads: $40 plus mileage
- Short haul pay for loads less that 75 miles:
- $20 if driver takes empty trailer to load origin, tarps and secures load
- $20 if driver delivers load to final destination and removes tarps and securement
- Job site deliveries: $20 for each load that is delivered to a job site and the customer is billed specifically for this service
- East coast pay:
- $50 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81 (origins west of Mississippi River)
- $25 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81, but north of Virginia (all other origins)
- Side kit pay: $70 for Central Steel & Wire Chicago-Altoona
- HazMat pay: An additional $85 per load will be paid on all placarded HazMat loads
- Detention pay:
- $15 an hour when billed
- Maximum of $150
- Layover pay:
- After 24 hours of layover, at no fault of the driver, the driver qualifies for $60 layover pay
- For subsequent 24-hour periods of layover, the driver qualifies for an additional $100
- Layover pay is subject to the operation’s discretion and can be adjusted under special circumstances
- Regional pay rates for flatbed drivers:
- Starting pay range: 43- 45 cents per mile (includes 8 cpm per diem)
- Basic level:
- 43 cpm
- 0-1 years of driving experience
- Select level:
- 44 cpm
- 1-3 years of driving experience
- Premium level:
- 45 cpm
- 4 or more years of driving experience
- Increase in pay: 1 cpm paid annually on anniversary date with a cap at 50 cpm
- Stop pay:
- $25 for each additional pickup or delivery
- Loads out of USG in Cloquet, Minn. and Walworth, Wis. pay $40 for each additional stop
- Excludes load origin and final delivery
- Over dimensional loads: When hauling over dimensional loads, drivers will be paid an additional 5 cents per loaded mile
- All loads that are not steel and iron, or have not been preloaded by a loading service, will be paid $10 for securement and tarping
- Chicago cross town loads: $40 plus mileage
- Short haul pay for loads less that 75 miles:
- $20 if driver takes empty trailer to load origin, tarps and secures load
- $20 if driver delivers load to final destination and removes tarps and securement
- Job site deliveries: $20 for each load that is delivered to a job site and the customer is billed specifically for this service
- East coast pay:
- $50 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81 (origins west of Mississippi River)
- $25 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81, but north of Virginia (all other origins)
- Side kit pay: $70 for Central Steel & Wire Chicago-Altoona
- HazMat pay: An additional $85 per load will be paid on all placarded HazMat loads
- Detention pay:
- $15 an hour when billed
- Maximum of $150
- Layover pay:
- After 24 hours of layover, at no fault of the driver, the driver qualifies for $60 layover pay
- For subsequent 24-hour periods of layover, the driver qualifies for an additional $100
- Layover pay is subject to the operation’s discretion and can be adjusted under special circumstances
- Pay rates for Fort Dodge short haul:
- The majority of loads are walboard and hauled within a 350-mile radius. There are backhauls occasionally which drivers are compensated for. Drivers are home daily and every weekend.
- Starting pay:
- 41 cents per mile (no per diem)
- 1 year minimum of driving experience
- Increase in pay: Base pay is increased 1 cpm annually on anniversary date with cap at 44 cpm
- HazMat loads: Drivers pulling placarded HazMat loads will be paid an additional $84 per load
- $25 stop pay, excluding load origin and final delivery (Duty Code 1)
- Miscellaneous pay:
- Driver takes empty trailer to load origin, tarps and secures the load: $25 (Duty Code 12)
- Driver delivers load to final destination and removes securement and tarps: $25 (Duty Code 12)
- Loads originating at USG East Chicago, Ind.: $20 (Duty Code 10)
- Pay rates for teams:
- 0-12,000 miles per month: 42 cpm base pay (21 cpm each driver includes 4 cents per diem)
- 12-14,000 miles per month: 44 cpm (22 cpm each driver includes 4 cents per diem)
- 14-16,000 miles per month: 46 cpm (23 cpm each driver includes 4 cents per diem)
- 16-18,000 miles per month: 48 cpm (24 cpm each driver includes 4 cents per diem)
- 18,000 0r m0re miles per month: 50 cpm (25 cpm each driver includes 4 cents per diem)
- Bonus miles:
- All miles over 12,00o per month
- Will begin to calculate at the start of the first full calendar month of employment
- Accessorial pay will be split by the team
- Short haul pay:
- Base mileage pay will be increased according to the following graduated scale for loaded miles less than 400 miles in length. In order to qualify for additional mileage pay, the total loaded miles must fit the below scale. Split loads will not qualify.
- 0-100 loaded miles = 20 cpm over base
- 101-150 loaded miles = 15 cpm over base
- 151-200 loaded miles = 12 cpm over base
- 201-250 loaded miles = 9 cpm over base
- 251-300 loaded miles = 6 cpm over base
- 301-350 loaded miles = 3 cpm over base
- 351-400 loaded miles = 2 cpm over base
- Easy coast pay:
- $50 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81 (origins west of Mississippi River)
- $25 for loads delivering east of Interstate 81 (all other origins)
- Stop pay:
- $15 for each additional pickup and delivery
- Excludes load origin and final delivery
- HazMat pay: An additional $85 per load will be paid on all placarded HazMat loads
- Trailer washout pay: $10 for an authorized vendor washout, or a drive will receive $15 for a self trailer washout
- Detention pay:
- $15 an hour when billed
- Maximum of $150
- Layover pay:
- After 24 hours of layover, at no fault of the driver, the driver qualifies for $60 layover pay
- For subsequent 24-hour periods of layover, the driver qualifies for an additional $100
- Layover pay is subject to the operation’s discretion and can be adjusted under special circumstances
- Pay rates for lease purchase midwest reefer/van:
- Contractors base pay is $1 per mile for all miles, loaded and empty, which are dispatched by the carrier directly to and form loading or unloading points or carrier’s terminal.
- For any load from shipper’s origin to shipper’s destination that falls under these categories, the following rate will be paid:
- Line Haul mileage from 0-100 miles = $1.40 per mile
- Line Haul mileage from 101-250 miles = $1.25 per mile
- Line Haul mileage from 251-400 miles = $1.05 per mile
- Mileage over 400 and empty miles = $1 per mile
- Fuel surcharge: Paid on all miles loaded and empty in the same manner as stated above on paid miles. Fuel surcharge will be calculated by the following method: Each week Decker will take the National Average Fuel Price minus base fuel rated at $1.35, divided by 6 miles per gallon.
- Multiple stops/pickups will be reimbursed at 100 percent of collected stop pay up to $60 per stop
- Unloading will be reimbursed at 100 percent of actual lumper expense if paid by shipper. If unloading is part of the rate, the carrier will pay a minimum of $80.
- Other billed accessorial charges will be paid at 75 percent.
- Security and safety excrow: A deduction of $75 per unit each week will be made until a balance of $7,500 is reached. For all non lease purchase Owner Operators a deduction of $100 per unit each week will be made until a balance of $1,000 is reached.
- License, permits and taxes:
- Licensing and permit fees are approximately $2,100 per year. Decker Truck Line will furnish all plates and permits with the understanding that the contractor will be liable for the pro-rated cost of plates as a result of early termination.
- Maintenance escrow of $100.00 will be deducted until a cap of $10,000 is reached.
- Carrier handles all accounting and filing of quarterly fuel, mileage and road taxes for the contractor. These costs are deducted monthly from the settlements.
- Contractor needs to provide a copy of the vehicle title and current 2290 form with the application. This is to prove ownership, legal right to lease and the Federal Highway Use Taxes are paid and current.
- Insurance:
- The carrier requires contractor to provide evidence of bobtail coverage. The carrier offers coverage at a cost that is deducted monthly from the settlement. Contractor can use their own but must be DTL approved.
- Physical Damage insurance is available at a cost that is deducted monthly from the settlement. Contractor can use their own but must be DTL approved.
- The carrier provides Cargo and Liability Insurance.
- Workers’ compensation insurance is not required for individual owner/operators who operate their own truck. Contractors who employ drivers must provide a certificate of insurance showing workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Workers’ compensation coverage is available, and this cost can be deducted from the settlement. Likewise, these contractors are responsible for their driver’s pay and benefits.
- Lease purchase contractors will be required to purchase OCC/ACC insurance which will be deducted weekly.
- The carrier makes the following insurance coverages available to owner/operators: Deductible buy back, occupational accident, major medical, life, disability, dental, vision
- Pay rates for lease purchase flatbed:
- Contractor’s base pay shall be $1.05 per mile for all miles, loaded and empty, which are dispatched by the carrier directly to and from loading or unloading points or carrier’s terminal.
- Fuel surcharge: Paid on all miles loaded and empty in the same manner as stated above on paid miles. Fuel surcharge will be calculated by the following method: Each week we will take the National Average Fuel Price minus base fuel rated at $1.35, divided by 6 miles per gallon.
- Multiple Stops/Pickups will be reimbursed at 100% of collected stop pay up to $60.00 per stop.
- Other billed accessorial charges will be paid at 75 percent.
- Loading charges incurred for pre-loaded trailer will be paid by the carrier.
- Security and safety excrow: A deduction of $75 per unit each week will be made until a balance of $7500 is reached. For all non lease purchase Owner Operators a deduction of $100 per unit each week will be made until a balance of $1,000 is reached.
- License, permit and taxes:
- Contractors are responsible for the licensing and permit fees. Decker Truck Line will deduct $100.00 per week until the balance is fully paid off. The License and Permit fees are approximately $2,100 per year.
- Maintenance escrow of $100 will be deducted until a cap of $10,000 is reached.
- Contractor will be paid a longevity bonus of $200 per month for each month the operator is leased on with DTL.
- Carrier handles all accounting and filing of quarterly fuel, mileage and road taxes for the contractor. These costs are deducted monthly from the settlements.
- Contractor needs to provide a copy of the vehicle title and current 2290 form with the application. This is to prove ownership, legal right to lease and the Federal Highway Use Taxes are paid and current.
- Lease purchase contractors will be deducted $10.58 per week for the cost of the 2290.
- Insurance:
- The carrier requires the contractor to provide evidence of bobtail coverage. The carrier offers coverage that would be deducted weekly from the settlement. If the contractor chooses to provide their own coverage it must be approved by Decker Truck Line.
- Physical Damage insurance is available at a cost that is deducted weekly from the settlement. Or you can provide your own but must be approved by DTL.
- The carrier provides Cargo and Liability Insurance.
- Workers’ compensation insurance is not required for individual owner/operators who operate their own truck. Contractors who employ drivers must provide a certificate of insurance showing workers’ compensation insurance coverage. Workers’ compensation coverage is available, and this cost can be deducted from the settlement. Likewise, these contractors are responsible for their driver’s pay and benefits.
- Lease purchase contractors will be required to purchase OCC/ACC insurance which will be deducted weekly.
- The carrier makes the following insurance coverages available to owner/operators: Deductible buy back, occupational accident, major medical, life, disability, dental, vision.
- Weekly payroll
- Decker uses TripPak Express (an easier system for drivers to submit their trip paperwork)
- Health insurance
- Flexible spending benefit plans
- Dental, vision and cancer insurance programs
- Life insurance
- Short and long term disability insurance
- 401(k) plan
- Paid vacation time
Company Facts
- Ranked #135 in the CCJ Top 250
- 750 tractors and nearly 1,600 trailers
- Serving 48 states and seven Canadian provinces
- ThermoKing TriPac Evolution APUs installed on company trucks
General Requirements
- At least 23 years of age
- Minimum of one year of over the road tractor-trailer driving or 100,000+ miles of experience
- Have valid CDL in the state of residence
- No more than two moving violations in the past 12 months; no more than four in the past three years
- No DWI violations in the past three years
- No serious moving violations in the past three years
- No preventable, DOT-recordable accidents in the past three years
- No drug or alcohol violations in the past three years
- An acceptable history of roadside inspections over the past three years, citations/warnings over the past three years, and crashes over the past five years
- Must meet or exceed all requirements of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations