A Nebraska trucker's quick actions in helping a woman having a medical emergency while driving earn him recognition by a national trucking organization.
The Truckload Carriers Association recently named truck driver Scott Allen from Omaha, Nebraska,a Highway Angel for stopping to help a driver experiencing a medical emergency in an intersection. Allen drives for ABF Freight out of Fort Smith, Arkansas.
TCA explains:
On April 14, around 10 a.m., Allen was driving on his delivery route, in Columbus, Nebraska, in stop-and-go traffic. He noticed a Chevy Silverado truck moving very slowly at an intersection after the light turned green. Other motorists attempted to go around the moving vehicle.
Scott Allen“She was going 3 or 5 miles an hour,” Allen said. “I’m like, there’s something wrong with this person — I noticed she was leaned over the console in her truck.”
After safely parking his unit off the road, he alerted other motorists while running to the car to see if he could help the woman in the vehicle. Another car pulled over to help.
“There were dark tinted windows where you could barely see her, but when I looked through the windshield, I could see her leaning over the console and I knew there was a medical emergency,” Allen said.
Allen believes the young woman, in her twenties, was having some sort of seizure. He and another motorist were able to get her vehicle stopped and prevent it from being struck by other motorists. The woman in the vehicle didn’t know her name or where she was going. Allen dialed 911 and an ambulance was able to get the motorist the medical attention she needed.
“When you come across this and you see someone in danger, my nature is to stop and try to help them,” Allen said.