Arizona truck driver wins excellence award

Ross Reynolds has driven for Con-way Freight for the last 29 years. (Courtesy of Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance)

Ross Reynolds of Con-way Freight has driven more than 2 million miles over almost 40 years without an accident.

He’s driven what seems like everything, including bobtails, pups, doubles, vans, sleepers, tankers and flatbeds. Reynolds’ accomplishments behind the wheel earned him the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CSVA) first International Driver Excellence Award (IDEA). The award recognizes trucker drivers who go above and beyond in their duties at the wheel.

Reynolds began driving trucks in 1978 and has driven for Con-way Freight for the last 29 years. He has won numerous awards for his work. Reynolds says the most rewarding part of his job is his role as Con-way Freight’s senior driver trainer in his home base of Tucson, Ariz.

“I really enjoy teaching and coaching other drivers,” said Reynolds. “Seeing ‘the lights come on’ when they finally understand a topic or are able to negotiate an obstacle for the TDC, like parallel parking, for the first time is very rewarding.”

Reynolds will be presented with his award on Sept. 14 at the CVSA Annual Conference and Exhibition in Boise, Idaho.

“We, at CVSA, cannot be more proud to announce Ross Reynolds as the winner of the first annual International Driver Excellence Award,” said CVSA Executive Director Stephen Keppler. “He embodies everything we hoped for and more in an exceptional driver and a man of character. We are so impressed by his unwavering, long-term commitment to public safety and his dedication to educating and guiding the drivers of tomorrow.”