Don’t watch these alone in your sleeper on Halloween


Less than a week from now, Halloween arrives. For many, it means dressing up in an elaborate costume. For others, it means consuming more sugar in one 24-hour period than in the rest of the year (we blame candy corn for that!) And, for some, it means staying home and handing out sugary candy to children dressed in elaborate costumes.

But for some folks, Halloween is the time to lock the doors, turn out the lights, have a blanket handy in case you need to cover your eyes and over-indulge in movies seemingly made with one thing in mind: To scare you speechless, senseless and sleepless.

In case you need some suggestions, here are a few to watch in your truck’s cab on Halloween … If you dare.

All Stephen King All The Time

You’ll Never Trust An Animal Again

Old School Evil

Sorta Funny, But Sorta Scary Too

And, Just For Truckers