Emergencies happen on the road, and not all of them happen to your truck. Sometimes they can be as simple as a ripped shirt or torn seam in a pair of jeans. That’s why it makes sense to have a sewing kit in your truck, one like this one available from Amazon.
This kit packs a lot of equipment in a small, rugged carrying case that measures 8.5″ x 6″ x 2″ and zips closed.
It costs just $9.99 online and contains:
- 40 Sewing Color Pins in a Round Stand
- 30 Sewing Needles in Assorted Sizes
- 22 Spools of Thread in Different Colors
- 5 Pins
- 4 Covered Buttons
- 3 Black Spare Buttons
- 3 White Spare Buttons
- 2 Mental Thimbles
- Syringes (5 needles in it)
- Plastic Needle Threader
- Metal Crochet Hook
- Measuring Tape
- Sweater Needle
- Seam Ripper
- Fabric Pencil
- Pin Cushion
- Nail Clipper
- Magnifier
- Tweezers
- Stainless Steel Scissors
- Easy Pull Threader