Federal agencies handing out free masks to truckers


The federal government plans to distribute protective masks to truckers.

Trucker Update LogoThe Owner-Operator Independent Driver Association reports some 800,000 masks will be distributed at rest areas to truck drivers for free. The distribution is being handled by the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the Department of Transportation.

No date has been set for the mask distribution. However, it is planned to be held at:

  • Georgia. southbound on Interstate 75, mile marker 179 just north of Macon
  • Illinois. eastbound on Interstate-80/294 at mile marker 1 in Chicago
  • Nebraska. westbound on Interstate-80 at mile marker 431 near Omaha
  • Texas, northbound on Interstate-35 at mile marker 362A about 5 miles south of Hillsboro
  • California northbound on Interstate-5 in Los Angeles
  • New York, northbound on Interstate-87 at mile marker 33, just north of New York City

More locations are expected to be added as need areas in need are determined, according to OOIDA.

While many carriers have supplied drivers with masks, others have been able to get them. Masks have also not been available at many truck stops and travel centers, and stories abound of drivers having to improvise when customers have required they wear masks.