The process for selecting the next Queen of the Road has begun.
The REAL Women In Trucking organization opened nominations for its sixth annual recognition of women truck drivers. New additions to the awards program this year will recognize a trainer of the year and a top rookie driver.
Nominations may be made online.
Criteria for the Queen of the Road award include:
- Must be either a past or present commercial driver’s license holder
- Must have hands-on experience in the operation a tractor-trailer without assistance and the ability to deliver freight
- Must fit the R.E.A.L. criteria. R. Reaching Out E. Encouraging Others A. Achieving Personal Success L. Leadership The R.E.A.L. criteria are a demonstration of outreach, compassion and encouragement towards others. Leadership is exhibited through the sharing of personal success strategies that illustrate the tenacity it takes to become a professional commercial motor vehicle operator.
The organization said the "Trainer of the Year" is
- A driver that has a minimum of three years experience, having driven in all climates and terrains
- Someone that cares about the student's success and is available even after they graduate training
- Is any woman trainer that is actively working with student drivers over the road, on a training range, or in a classroom setting
The "Rookie of the Year" is a driver that has more than six months but less than one year of driving accident free, a solo qualified driver who is committed to being a safe and successful on the road.
Nominees who meet the criteria must have a nomination biography submitted through this form before Jan. 13.
Voting on nominees takes place between, Jan. 20 and Feb. 24.
All nominees receive a free RWIT lifetime membership and a limited-edition event t-shirt.