Somewhere there is a pun about a “steer-ing” wheel waiting to be made, but it escapes us at the moment. But this is what the person who posted this to YouTube said: “We were driving down the highway on our way to Kolache Days in Verdigre, Nebraska, to play a polka gig, when traffic began to slow down. We went to pass the slow vehicle and noticed as we passed by, there was a crazy sight. We pulled over and waited for it to come by so we could see it again and take a video.” We’re glad they did.
Not the bull hauler you had in mind?
Somewhere there is a pun about a “steer-ing” wheel waiting to be made, but it escapes us at the moment. But this is what the person who posted this to YouTube said: “We were driving down the highway on our way to Kolache Days in Verdigre, Nebraska, to play a polka gig, when traffic began to slow down. We went to pass the slow vehicle and noticed as we passed by, there was a crazy sight. We pulled over and waited for it to come by so we could see it again and take a video.” We’re glad they did.