$12,000 worth of pork stolen from truck in Northeast Philadelphia

Updated Apr 14, 2024

In the latest in a string of cargo thefts, more than $12,000 worth of pork was stolen from a tractor-trailer parked overnight Wednesday, April 10, in Northeast Philadelphia.

Police say thieves made off with some 56 cases of pork products while the trucker slept.

This is the latest cargo theft to occur in Philadelphia. On March 14, crooks stole meat from one parked truck and bourbon from another.

Food and beverages are popular targets for cargo thieves, especially when food prices remain high.

The thefts are part of a trend. In 2023, more than $130 million worth of cargo was stolen from trucks in the U.S. That was a 57% increase over the year before.

Authorities say they expect to see similar increases in cargo theft this year.