Trucker drives in reverse for a mile after getting on parkway by mistake

A trucker had to back their tractor-trailer for almost a mile to exit a New York parkway that prohibits all commercial vehicles.

CBS News in New York City reports the trucker entered the westbound lane of the Northern State Parkway on Long Island Thursday, Aug. 15 by mistake. The driver eventually encountered one of the parkway's low bridges and was forced to stop.

Officials shut down traffic so the driver could back their tractor-trailer back to the entrance and leave the parkway.

CBS News' Chopper 2 flew overhead as the tractor-trailer was forced to drive backwards for nearly a mile after shutting down the Northern State Parkway.

Commercial vehicles entering parkways and striking low bridges in metro New York and Connecticut has long been a problem, with the states taking measures to warn truckers to not enter the older parways. Some officials have complained that some GPS devices and smartphone apps do not account for the parkway restrictions.