Few things can be as physically annoying as cold feet. And, now is the time of year when your feet can get and stay colder than normal.
A good first line of defense is a good pair of socks, ones designed specifically to keep your feet warm and comfortable.
The GWA (Gear We Are) website reviews outdoor gear. It rated Heat Holders Thermal Socks as some of the best to keep your feet warm. GWA gave these socks a 95.3 out of 100 points, making them the second-highest-rated sock in their evaluation.
These socks are made with thermal yarn meant to hold warm air in next to your feet, while foot-chilling moisture to wick away. That yarn is also extremely soft to keep your feet comfortable all day.
The manufacturer says these socks are “diabetic friendly and provide relief for cold feet due to circulation problems.”
Heat Holders come in a variety of sizes (over the calf, crew, sport) for men and women and can be purchased online.