In with the new.
Not only does that hold true for 2020 (thankfully!) giving way to 2021, but also for the arrival of the new Overdrive Truckers News Truckers’ Gear Guide from the RoadPro Family of Brands.
And, the new Gear Guide is loaded with helpful information truckers can put to good use while on the road. That includes:
- Trucking Out of 2020 and Into 2021, a view of what’s ahead after the difficult and demanding year that just passed
- When Winter Weather Hits … Be Prepared, on how to best winterize your truck
- What’s New for the New Year, a look at hot new gadgets and gear to make trucking easier in 2021
- In 5 Ways to Turn Your Fast Food Meal Into a Healthier One, Hope Zvara offers tips for eating well while away from home
- A recipe for RoadPro Italian Sausage Soup
- The Buyer’s Guide for the best in winter gear
- A veteran driver talks about safe winter driving tips