Brought to you by the RoadPro Family of Brands, the latest Truckers Gear Guide includes:
- An in-depth look at Garmin's dēzl 100/200 series wireless headsets, which are built with the professional driver's needs in mind. They are comfortable to wear, provide extended battery life and provide noise cancellation technology so your communications are clear and easy to hear.
- A detailed explanation of the importance of adding lubricity back into diesel fuel. Rich Guida explains how Howes Diesel Defender restores the lubrication properties of the sulfur that has been stripped from today's diesel fuel.
- A comprehensive look at the importance of Bluetooth technology to truckers, including an assessment of Bluetooth-connected devices that can make a driver's life easier and safer. Professional drive Craig Daniels provides insights into why hands-free is the only way to go for truckers today.
- A timely tip from veteran owner-operator Henry Albert on how to keep your truck's windshield bug-free this summer.
- Several tips on how to keep your truck operating properly despite having to drive through some record-breaking high temperatures parts of the country are seeing this summer.
- Hope Zvara's suggestions on how truckers can get the proper amount of healthy, restorative sleep while on the road. Zvara suggests truckers follow the "10 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0" to be sure they are well rested behind the wheel.
- A tasty recipe for mussels and vegetables from pro driver Kristy Klass
- And, finally, a look at the latest Cummins-branded merchandise
The Overdrive and Truckers News Truckers Gear Guide from the RoadPro Family of Brands can be found online by clicking here.