The latest edition of the Overdrive and Truckers News Truckers Gear Guide from the RoadPro Family of Brands is now available and has a special focus on that staple of most truck cabs, the CB radio.
Oct. 4 -- a.k.a. 10-4 -- is National CB Radio Day, and this year marks the 75th year since the citizens band radio was invented. It eventually became an essential fixture in many truck cabs, as well as part of modern culture thanks to movies like "Smokey and the Bandit" and "Convoy."
This issue of the Gear Guide's focus on the CB includes:
- Members of the RoadPro Drivers Lounge commenting on why they depend on their CB
- Veteran driver Craig Daniels explains why the CB remains essential in the day of rampant smartphone use
- Trucker Fred Weatherspoon offers a video on the importance of the CB
- A comprehensive buyer's guide on CB radios, microphones, and antennas
The Gear Guide also has:
- How you can simplify your trucking life with electronics by Garmin, including GPS, dash cam, ELD, headset and smartwatch
- A First Gear feature on time management for truckers -- 10 tips to streamline your daily routine
- A meet and greet with Jeremy and Tiffany Wallin, the newest members of the RoadPro Drivers Lounge and owners of the 2017 Freightliner Coronado, "The Girl Next Door" show truck
- A feature on the St. Christopher Truckers Relief Fund, which helps truckers over rough spots in their personal lives
- The latest Cummins gear, including drinkware and coolers, apparel, and gloves
- A cook-in-your-cab recipe for seasoned chicken and asparagus
- And a National Truck Driver Appreciation Week feature in which drivers tell why they are proud to be a trucker
The new Overdrive andTruckers News Truckers Gear Guide from the RoadPro Family of Brands also contains the latest trucker gear, gadgets and other items to make your life on the road safer, more comfortable and better connected.