FFTR Changes Coming Thanks to You

Updated Aug 12, 2014

If you’re a regular reader of our health section, you may notice it looks a little different this month.

One of the changes we hope to make this year is to make this health section more about you, the driver. Our plans include a monthly health tip from a trucker, which you see featured this month, as well as more stories about drivers who are figuring ways to eat healthy and exercise despite the demands of the OTR lifestyle.

Another change is that we are going to provide more examples for how you can eat healthier on the road, including “Good Choice, Bad Choice” articles that tell you how to make better choices in national chain restaurants, as well as recipes you can cook in the cab. We are also making an effort to do giveaways for some of the items we mention in our health section, like this month’s Roadcookin’ giveaway.

You play a part, too. When you read something in these pages you like and want to see more of — or something you don’t like — let us know. If we’re missing a topic that would help a lot of drivers, tell us about it.

Don’t just read a story about ideas for exercising during your downtime then go about your business without giving it further thought. Try some of these things out. Make small changes that will help you get healthier.

With new regulations coming out left and right, your health is not something we are going to ignore, and it’s something you can’t afford to ignore. We hope you will join us in making the trucking industry a healthier place to be.

Misty Bell is managing editor for Truckers News. You can find her health blog at www.fit4theroad.com. Contact her at [email protected] or https://twitter.com/fitfortheroad.