This week is the time we’re meant to pause, count our blessings and give thanks for all we have.
For some truckers passing through the Cartersville, Ga. area, those blessings will include a hot meal at the home of one very generous couple, who also happen to be drivers.
Todd Dills, senior editor over at Overdrive, writes in his Channel 19 blog:
“This year, as for the past several, team Quest Global drivers Brian and Bettina Cameron are opening their home to any driver with interest in a home-cooked Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday morning on through the late evening.
“‘Every year,” says Bettina, ‘I throw this Thanksgiving dinner for drivers who are on the road in my area and can’t get home for family time.” In 2013 the Camerons ‘had about 80 drivers over the 34 hours straight that we serve food. It’s a great time, and I wish it would spread to other places!'”