For Valentine’s Day, tell us about the love in your life, or the love of your life. We want to hear about your puppy love, enduring love, unrequited love and, of course, the one you love.
Here’s what others have said about love:
“Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” — Erich Segal, Love Story
“Better than I was/More than I am/ And all of this happened by takin’ your hand.” — Tim McGraw, “It’s Your Love“
“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” — A.A. Milne, Winnie The Pooh
“I love you more than coffee.” — Anonymous
Now it’s your turn. Tell Truckers News what you have to say on the topic. What makes your heart go pitter-pat, your palms get sweaty and your face get stuck in a smile all day?
How do you make love and life work as a trucker? What do you do to stay connected when separated by miles of highway? Give us some tips from which others can benefit. And, of course, talk to us about Valentine’s Day on the road. Any memorable ones? Be sure to share a photo of the one you love. Better still, send us a picture of you and your loved one together.
And, be sure to watch for some inspirational stories between now and Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. Love songs. Love scenes from the movie. Gift ideas for your loved one. What not to give your Valentine. And, we” have some love quizzes too.
Fill out the form below, or give us a call at (831) 687-8256.