Five years after the last Harry Potter movie was released, the film franchise is releasing a new box set with new cover artwork. Box sets are available in DVD and Blu-ray, with 16 new covers.
There are two types of artwork covers: ‘Moments’ and ‘Iconic.’ The DVDs will have the ‘Moments’ artwork, with each DVD featuring a specialized vignette from each movie. The Blu-rays will have the ‘Iconic’ artwork showing key visual moments from the stories, like a smoking Goblet of Fire and the Sorting Hat.
Angie Lai, executive director for the film marketing team at Warner Bros., said the ‘Moments’ artwork was designed for newer fans and the ‘Iconic’ artwork is for more longtime fans.
“We love these pieces of art, they are different from anything we’ve ever done before,” Laid said of the ‘Iconic’ artwork. “It’s looking at it for the fans who know what these objects are. If you look closer, at the Sorting Hat, for example, you can see Harry’s glasses. Or if you look at Half-Blood Prince, you have Tom Riddle’s memory vial in the middle, as a little hidden gem.”
The new box sets will be released July 25. They aren’t available for preorder at this time.
We’re excited to exclusively reveal new Harry Potter box set covers! See the full set here:
— Pottermore (@pottermore) June 20, 2016