CBS’ hit reality show Survivor returns tonight with the second episode of its 37th season, featuring 41-year-old Texas truck driver Carl Boudreaux.
In last week’s premiere, this season’s 10-member teams were introduced. Boudreaux is part of Team David, which competes with Team Goliath. And it was a tough episode for the trucker and his team.
His trucker ethic came out last week when both tribes were building their shelters as Mamanuca, Fiji, the South Pacific island on which the Davids battle the Goliaths, was battered by wind and heavy rain. Bourdeaux was working and noticed teammate Nick, now a public defender from Kentucky on the island in a sports coat was watching others.
“I can’t stand a man who won’t work,” said Boudreaux. “As a truck driver, there were times I couldn’t stop to eat. I had to get that load to where it had to be so I can’t stand lazy-ass people.”
Then, during the Immunity Challenge, Boudreaux led the Davids through the obstacle course and took the early lead. Then, when he had to dig in the sand to crawl under a log, Boudreaux struggled and the team fell behind. But, they caught up only to lose narrowly.
Because Pat, a member of the Davids was injured in a boat ride back to their island and had to be airlifted to a hospital, there was no Tribal Council and no penalty for the loss.
We also found out a bit more about Boudreaux this week. He told Truckers News:
“I started off driving a dry van for four years over the road. Then I went out on a limb and bought my own truck. I have been pulling a tanker now for 13 years as an owner-operator contracted to the same company. For the most part, I run a dedicated account but when things are slow I take loads out of town mostly regional but occasionally I will take a long haul load.”
Survivor airs tonight at 8 Eastern on CBS.
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Survivors ready?! Season 37 kicks off in just 30 minutes! RT if you’re excited. #Survivor
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For Carl, family is everything. How will he make out this season knowing his ill father is back home rooting him on? Learn more about this small-town Texas truck driver. #Survivor
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