Dale Spaulding: “Needs a medal of honor for what he does’


Dale Spaulding
Nominated by Kelly Spaulding, Wife
dale-spaulding-ilmtMy trucker, the love of my life, has driven truck for 30 years now. He has taken the good with the bad and all the B.S. that the D.O.T. hands out, but still finds time to make my life easier with all the issues we have at home. It doesn’t matter if he is 100 miles away or 1,000 miles away, he will take the time to listen to me gripe about my job, the problems that arise at home, and the dog missing him like crazy. He gets me through my issues and never once complains about helping me through it. I’m blessed to have him as he has enough on his plate with the DOT watching, the scales being open and looking to screw him, watching four-wheelers playing on their phones, trying to avoid accidents that’ll end up trying to be his fault because he’s a truck driver and not being able to find a place to sleep at night. He still always manages to call me at the end of the day to say, “I love you,” and let me do my venting and keeps his issues to himself. He really is appreciated and needs a medal of honor for what he does for this country and for his family.

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