My trucker is the hardest working man I know. He started trucking when he lost his job in 2010 due to his company relocating. Many men would have been content to collect unemployment, but not him. He got his CDL, and started team driving for Conway Truckload. He later transferred to our local Conway Freight location, and drove line haul. In September pf 2015, he was injured in a farm tractor accident. His hip, ankle, shoulder blade and arm were broken. I’ve never been so scared in my life as I was when I got the call from our son that he’d been hurt! After eight months being off work, and not being cleared to return to his job, he took a leap and bought his own truck and started driving OTR again. He works so hard every day to provide the best for our family! I love this man with all my heart, and I appreciate everything he does for us every single day out there. He can make me mad faster than anyone, but he also can make me laugh just as quickly. Eighteen years and going for many more!