Florida company rewards drivers for saving fleet money

Truck drivers at one Florida company can take care of themselves by helping their employer’s efforts to become more efficient. Aaron Huff, senior editor at “Commercial Carrier Journal,” explains:

“Saddle Creek Logistics Services (CCJ Top 250, No. 232) believes the sky is the limit for driver earnings through its focus on fleet efficiency. A series of projects this year have made it possible for the Lakeland, Fla.-based company to raise driver pay without asking customers for rate increases.

“The integrated warehousing, transportation and third-party logistics service provider has more than 500 trucks, 600 drivers and 2,000 trailers domiciled at 14 of its 41 locations nationwide.

“Drivers get an increase in their base pay for every year of employment, and there is no cap. Saddle Creek also has implemented a new bonus program that pays out weekly. Drivers earn an additional per-mile rate by exceeding baseline measures for fuel efficiency, safety and accuracy.”

[gtbutton link=”http://www.ccjdigital.com/ccj-innovator-saddle-creek-raises-driver-pay-by-focusing-on-efficiency/?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=10-27-2015&utm_campaign=Commercial%20Carrier%20Journal&ust_id=46bf747f1af0d3a5462a9ee58250a858″]Read Aaron Huff’s Story on Saddle Creek[/gtbutton]

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