The Truckload Carriers Association recently named truck driver John Huffman, from Hertford, North Carolina a Highway Angel for stopping to aid crash victims in a multi-vehicle wreck. Huffman drives for Load One Transportation out of Taylor, Michigan.
TCA explains:
John HuffmanOn June 29 around 2:30 p.m., Huffman was driving on Interstate 40 eastbound in Knoxville, Tennessee, in stop and go traffic. He witnessed a minivan speed up in the congested traffic and run into the back of a white car, which shoved the car into the center median. The van then hit another car that was in front of the white car, which shoved that vehicle into two more vehicles.
“I pulled over, jumped out of my truck, ran across all three lanes of traffic and started checking on everybody,” Huffman said.
The white car that was hit had two frightened 18-year-old young women in it. Luckily they were not seriously injured, but Huffman stayed with them until emergency vehicles arrived on site. There was a small child in one of the crashed cars, so Huffman ran back to his truck and got a stuffed animal he had in the truck, so he could give it to the child. He was able to get video footage from his dashcam and supply it to the police. He said he never hesitated to go the extra mile to help the crash victims.
“It’s the way I was raised, ever since I was a little kid,” he said. “If you see somebody in need and you’ve got the ability to help, you help. This is the way people should be.”
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