Perdue Farms truck driver Robert Timmons, who has been with the food and agricultural products company for 44 years, recently celebrated driving 4 million accident-free driving miles. In the company’s almost 104-year history, he is only the second driver to achieve this milestone.
“I am so excited that I achieved four million miles of safe driving. I’m excited and proud that I was able to do this while working at Perdue,” said Timmons, who goes by the handle Holly Trolly on the road.
Timmons is one of Perdue’s nearly 800 professional drivers who touch every part of the company's supply chain. There have been 184 Perdue drivers who have reached 1 million accident-free miles; 45 are 2 million safe-mile drivers; and 12 have achieved 3 million accident-free miles. Timmons joins Alvin Smith as the company’s only four million safe-mile drivers.
“Our drivers are among our most visible brand ambassadors and have the most direct contact with our customers,” said Tim O’Hea, senior director of transportation for Perdue Farms. “Robert achieving four million safe driving miles in just 43 years is no small feat and is a testament to his dedication not only to Perdue but also to our customers and those he shares the roads with every day.”
Throughout his time at the company, Timmons has delivered dressed poultry from Salisbury to Lewiston, North Carolina, delivered live haul and oil, has been an over-the-road driver delivering as far west as Iowa and throughout the entire Perdue marketplace and currently delivers local short haul loads.
When he is not on the road, Timmons spends time with his children and grandchildren and enjoys carpentry. He is currently building an addition to his home in Salisbury. He also enjoys cruises and has been on 16.