Mother’s Day Convoy: 380 trucks help raise $300,000 for Make-A-Wish

Trucker drivers helped raise a lot of money for a worthwhile charity on the recent Mothers Day weekend.

A convoy of trucks rolled through central Pennsylvania on May 10, raising more than $300,000 for the Philadelphia, Northern Delaware & Susquehanna Valley chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Several of the 380 trucks that were part of the Mothers Day Convoy for Make-a-Wish

This year’s total of 380 trucks is 45 more than last year. About 100 Make-A-Wish children rode along with truckers in the convoy this year. Other trucks were decorated with pictures of children who’ve been helped by the foundation.

The annual Mother’s Day Convoy is the primary fundraiser for the foundation that grants wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. It started 26 years ago when a young boy asked to ride in a truck and talk on the CB radio. More than 40 truckers responded, and the charity event has grown steadily since.

“The 26th Annual Mother’s Day Truck Convoy was a huge success,” said Paulette Battenfelder, Make-A-Wish regional executive director. “Not only does the convoy provide the funds to continue our mission, but the energy of the event inspires and motivates us to continue to provide wishes to children with life-threatening conditions.”

About 6,000 spectators lined the 28-mile route and attended the festival.

This year’s convoy was, for the first time, sponsored by the RoadPro® Family of Brands, which is headquartered in nearby Palmyra. RoadPro, parent of such travel-related brands as Wilson, RoadKing, PowerDrive and MobileSpec, donated $20,000 to the cause.

“Make-A-Wish does wonderful work and sponsoring the Mother’s Day Truck Convoy is a chance to help the charity fulfill the dreams of local families contending with the illness of a child,” said Chuck White, vice president, Brands & Marketing, DAS Companies, Inc., the parent company of RoadPro. “We are honored to partner with them.”

380 trucks were part of this year's event.380 trucks were part of this year's event.

This year's convoy raised more than $300,000This year's convoy raised more than $300,000

Some of the trucks that drove the 28-mile convoy routeSome of the trucks that drove the 28-mile convoy route

Make-A-Wish kids rode in the convoyMake-A-Wish kids rode in the convoy

Trucks of all sorts joined in.Trucks of all sorts joined in.

Spectators line the convoy route.Spectators line the convoy route.