E.P.A. said to be planning new truck mileage, emissions standards

The U.S. trucking industry — from OEM’s to those doing the actual driving — can expect some harsh news from the federal government sometime soon. Expensive news.

New emissions/mileage standards said to be coming from E.P.A.

The New York Times Monday reported that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is poised to propose new emissions standards that will require a 40 percent increase in fuel economy by 2027. It is expected, according to the Times, that the new standards will also add between $12,000 and $14,000 to the cost of a new truck.

The proposed new standards could be unveiled yet this week, according to the Times.

The Times reports:

“The truck proposals could cut millions of tons of carbon dioxide pollution while saving millions of barrels of oil. Trucks now account for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles in the United States, even though they make up only 4 percent of traffic, the E.P.A. says.”

[gtbutton link=”http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/31/business/energy-environment/epa-proposal-will-put-bigger-trucks-on-a-fuel-diet.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=2″]Read the Entire NY Times Article[/gtbutton]