After pushing Sept. 30 most of the year as the publication date for a Final Rule to mandate the installation and use of electronic logging devices by trucking fleets and drivers, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s latest projected date for the rule — Oct. 30 — has also come and gone, and no rule has yet been produced.
The rule is still hung up at the White House’s Office of Management and Budget. It was projected by the DOT in an October-issued report to clear there last Monday, Oct. 26.
In February, FMCSA projected a publication date of Nov. 9, before immediately reversing courseand changing its forecasted publication date back to Sept. 30 — the date the agency set last fall as its target publication date.
The DOT should issue next week new projected publication dates for its current rulemakings, which could offer a new date to expect an e-log rule, if the agency doesn’t publish it before then.