TMAF celebrates fifth anniversary with update at MATS

Kevin Burch, right, TMAF co-chairman, and ATA’s Elisabeth Barna, right, provide an update on TMAF at MATS.Kevin Burch, right, TMAF co-chairman, and ATA’s Elisabeth Barna, right, provide an update on TMAF at MATS.

Trucking Moves America Forward celebrated its five-year anniversary during the Mid-America Trucking Show by sharing the results of a national poll it conducted earlier this year.

The survey was conducted by Public Opinion Strategies, which surveyed 800 American adults with driver’s licenses from Feb. 14-18. The survey found that:

  • 67 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the trucking industry, as compared to 68 percent in 2015
  • 74 percent of American drivers reported that they believe trucking plays an important role in the nation’s economy, up from 71 percent in 2015
  • 70 percent of motorists were positive about the trucking industry’s safety image, the same percent as in 2015
  • 86 percent view trucking as a career and not a temporary job, the same percentage as 2015
  • 57 percent believed that trucks move more freight than railroads or airways, up from 49 percent in 2015
  • 42 percent said they believe the industry’s safety record has gotten better over the last 20 years, up from 36 percent in 2015
  • Of the respondents who were familiar with TMAF, 83 percent reported having a more favorable view of the industry

TMAF also recapped its accomplishments over the last five years, including: 200 donors, 3,410 subscribers, 240 trailer wraps on the road, more than 344 million advertising impressions, more than 200 earned media placements totaling 162 million impressions, over 16,200 Facebook followers, over 4,500 Twitter follows, over 1,110 Instagram followers and 24 blog posts.

“TMAF has really grown and evolved, and our goal has always remained the same: To tell our story,” TMAF co-chairman Kevin Burch said. “Not to just the motoring public, but also to government officials, whether it’s local, state, or federal.”

TMAF’s 2018 accomplishments are detailed in a recently released report, available in full online and summarized in the infographic below.

Tmaf 2018 Report Infographic

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