Drivewyze has added four new locations to its weigh station bypass service in Pennsylvania. The new sites are part of a 12-month pilot program, which will allow data to be gathered to demonstrate the effectiveness of weigh station bypass.
The sites, south and northbound on I-83 in Newberry (York County), and south and northbound on I-79 near Hadley (Mercer County), represent the major arteries for truck traffic in Pennsylvania.
According to Brian Heath, president and CEO of Drivewyze, the activation of the Pennsylvania bypass program gives Drivewyze equipped carriers with continuing service from the bordering states of Maryland, West Virginia, and New York.
Motor carriers that have the Drivewyze PreClear weigh station bypass service on their Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs), telematics devices, smartphones, and tablets, can receive bypass opportunities at more than 800 locations, in 45 states and provinces.