The Oregon Department of Transportation wants your thoughts on commercial truck parking throughout the state. The department is conducting an online trucking parking survey through July 28.
The study covers certain corridors based on factors like freight route destinations and truck volumes: I-5, I-205, I-84, US 97, OR 22/US 20, and OR 58. The goal of the study is to assess and address commercial truck parking needs in Oregon. It is part of an ongoing commercial truck parking study being conducted by ODOT.
“Truck parking shortages and limits on stays in public rest areas may be forcing truck drivers to park in unsafe locations such as access ramps and roadway shoulders. Drivers may also be forced to travel longer distances without taking needed breaks,” according to ODOT. “The Oregon Freight Advisory Committee, the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration have all identified the shortage of truck parking as a major issue that needs to be addressed.”