Time to 'Fall back' as Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend

Reminder not to turn back cloks on Sunday, November 5

Yes, it's that time of year again.

It's time to "Fall back" as Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 5, and we return to Stanard Time.

Most of your electronic devices -- smartphone, tablet, ELD, microwave, GPS, et al -- will adjust the time on their own. Still, it makes sense to double-check them just to be sure. 

More importantly, you may wish to check yourself because the time change can disrupt your body's internal clock leading to a disruption in your sleep pattern. It's important you're aware of any signs of drowsiness, which the American Academy of Sleep Medicine says include:

  • You keep yawning or are unable to keep your eyes open
  • You catch yourself “nodding off” and have trouble keeping your head up
  • You can’t remember driving the last few miles
  • You end up too close to vehicles in front of you
  • You miss road signs or drive past your turn
  • You drift into the other lane of traffic
  • You drift onto the “rumble strip” or onto the shoulder of the road

If you find you are experiencing these behaviors, find a place to rest; it's better to be late for a delivery or pickup than to wind up as a highway accident statistic.

Since the time change means it will be getting dark sooner, be sure your rig's lights are all working and clean. Same for your windshield and mirrors.