The speed limit on a section of Interstate 81 in Tennessee is being increased.
Based on recent spot speed studies, crash analyses, and the continuity of speed zones, TDOT is modifying the speed limit on I-81 in Sullivan County.
Beginning on Monday, March 4, the speed limit on I-81 between the Washington County line and the Virginia state will increase to 70 miles per hour for all vehicles. Currently, that speed limit is set at 65 miles per hour for vehicles and 55 miles per hour for trucks.
This study was conducted as a result of comments received from the general public as well as law enforcement and local municipalities. The speed limit change is being made in the interest of the motoring safety of the public, according to a statement from TDOT
TDOT said its crews will be replacing signage next week along this corridor. This schedule is contingent on favorable weather conditions. Motorists should use extreme caution in this area.