Trucker, a suspect in a Michigan bank robbery, dies during police standoff

Updated Mar 10, 2024
Scene of [police standoff in Effingham, Illinois

A standoff between police and a truck driver ended Friday evening with the death of the trucker from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The six-hour-long standoff occurred at the TA Travel Center in Effingham, Illinois. Local police had been notified by police in Michigan about a bank robbery on Thursday, March 7. They were told the suspect, said to be a 33-year-old man from Georgia, was driving a tractor-trailer, which Effingham police found at the TA.

A local police officer disconnected the truck's brake hose and tried and failed to tase the suspect, who got back in the truck.

Police negotiated for several hours. When the driver became unresponsive, police entered the truck and found the driver dead.

Police continue their investigation.