Kentucky state police part of FMCSA's 3-day safety enforcement effort

Kentucky highway sign

Officers from the Kentucky State Police’s Commercial Vehicle Enforcement unit are participating in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Operation SafeDRIVE (Distracted Reckless Impaired Visibility Enforcement) from Monday, Nov. 18, to Wednesday, Nov. 20.

The initiative focuses on dangerous interstate driving behaviors such as aggressive driving, speeding, tailgating, failing to wear a seat belt and driving under the influence. During this effort, KSP Commercial Vehicle Inspectors will open scale facilities, ensuring commercial drivers follow safety regulations, including hours of service compliance, commercial driver license compliance, medical certification and commercial motor vehicle credentialing.

Sgt/Jason Morris, West Commercial Vehicle Enforcement spokesperson, said he believes Operation SafeDRIVE increases highway safety.

“KSP is honored to be a part of this initiative to make it safer for everyone to travel through our state during the upcoming holiday season,” said Morris“We are committed to preventing dangerous driver behaviors and educating motorists on sharing the road safely with commercial trucks.”

KSP encourages all motorists to take the following advice while driving on the roads:

  • Stay out of blind spots: Larger vehicles have more enlarged blind spots on all four sides
  • Pass safely: Before passing, make sure you can see the truck driver in their side mirror and use your turn signal
  • Do not cut off large vehicles: It takes a large truck traveling at highway speeds the length of two football fields to stop
  • Avoid tailgating: Following too closely puts you in the truck’s blind spot, which can be dangerous
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