Work It Mom website offers tips, resources, help

Updated Sep 23, 2016

work-it-mom-websiteBeing a working mother is no easy task. And, being a working mom who is a truck driver can be especially demanding.

The Work It, Mom! website can be a “go to” source for tips, recipes, advice and stories about women just like you.

Departments on Work It Mom include:

  • What’s New: Includes a variety of articles
  • Explore: A source for career and budgeting tips
  • Connect: Where you’ll find answers to all your questions, discussion groups and interviews with moms
  • Save Time: A self-titled source on how to make the most of your days and days off
  • De-stress: Suggestions on how to get it all done and stay sane
  • Contribute: Allows you to be part of the site and share your tips, pix and insights

Here’s how to get involved and get the most out of Work It Mom.

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