If you’re one of the 70 million Americans — 81 percent of whom are women — who use Pinterest, you’re most likely pinning everything from ideas for your spring wardrobe to tips on raising free range chickens in your backyard.

But aside from being a massive online wedding idea book for some and a source of inspirational slogans for others, Pinterest may well be biggest cookbook ever assembled. It’s estimated there are some 1.7 billion recipes pinned online by Pinterest users. (That is equal to 54 meals for every man, woman and child living in the U.S.)
But, how many of the recipes you’ve pinned have actually wound up as a meal in your truck or on the table at home?
The folks at Campbell’s (the canned soup people) have a handy online tool to help you turn your “I’ll make that someday …” into actual breakfasts, lunches or dinners for you and/or your family.
Campbell’s Recipe Reality Check says here’s what you do:
- “Log in with your Pinterest account full of recipes you wish you were making.
- “We find easier or less time consuming recipes that match your existing pins.
- “Pin your suggestions and have them at hand for when Real Life gets out of hand.”
And, when you do ask for a Recipe Reality Check, the website says:
“We found these recipes that take fewer steps, ingredients, or less time than what you had pinned. They’ll be a nice fit for your real, real life.”
The Recipe Reality Check is like having a sous chef in your laptop, tablet or smartphone whether you’re at home or on the road.