Finally getting organized? Get online first

Updated May 17, 2017

You may be just getting around to your 2017 New Year’s resolution to get your life in order, or are getting a real jump on that same resolution for 2018. Either way, you may need some tips on how to create order out of chaos in your life, your home, your truck or elsewhere.

Websites offer tips on how to combat clutterWebsites offer tips on how to combat clutter

Here are several websites that can help you get your stuff sorted out, stored properly, or gotten rid of. They’ll also help you figure out to live well with less. And, at the end, there’s even a good laugh.

The Container Store’s website has a page for Expert Tips & Ideas. Granted, they also want to sell you many of the things that can help you get organized, but you’re a strong person and can look right past them and find your own ways. There are sections for organizing your closet, your kitchen, bathroom, home office and garage.

KonMarie the World is the website of a young Japanese woman who wrote a book about how to banish clutter from your life and created a worldwide phenomenon in the process. The book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, outlines a process for simplifying, organizing, and storing. Part of that process is the hold an object, and ask yourself if it sparks joy in your life. If not, they it should be discarded. Not surprisingly, there is an app to help you get started and be successful.

Real Simple is one of those magazines you may have seen near your supermarket’s checkout. But, it also has an online presence to help you simplify all aspects of your life from your home to your wardrobe to your health and even the holidays. The approach to each is to not necessarily go without, but to have the things you need and to keep them someplace accessible. It’ll also teach you how to part with things you’ve held onto for too long.

Be More With Less is a beginner’s guide to the new minimalist lifestyle; a way to live well but with less. One of the more interesting parts of the site is Project 333, which shows you how to dress in 33 items over three months. It certainly doesn’t mean to have the same look all the time, but rather how to dress well with a basic but versatile wardrobe.

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The late comedian George Carlin had many memorable routines, but the one about “stuff” is one of his best known and well loved. (Contains some NSFW language.)