Health and wellness issues may be among the biggest practical problems facing any truck driver. It’s easy to see why:
- schedules can be erratic
- the job is primarily sedentary
- drivers often are not at home
- access to a gym or other fitness facility can be difficult
- food choices can be limited
All of that may not come as news to anyone who has been on the road or is about to join the driving sisterhood. But, what may be is that there is a possible solution as close as the keyboard of your smartphone or computer tablet.
Darebee is a comprehensive online fitness community. It’s loaded with individual workouts and month-long fitness programs that target specific needs. Darebee, which provides easy-to-follow graphics for all workouts, also has challenges to help keep you motivated, programs designed for runners, tips on wellness, detailed nutrition and weight loss information, and even healthy recipes and meal plans.
In addition, Darebee makes sure you are not left on your own in your quest for healthier living on the road. The Hive is a fitness/wellness community in which you can participate.
All of the materials on Darebee are free and can be downloaded or printed.
And, the price is right: Darebee is free and accepts donations to keep the lights on.