Randy Rogers and Wade Bowen
Hold My Beer
Randy Rogers and Wade Bowen have been front men for separate Texas bands for many years. And, they have also performed as a duo in their long-running Hold My Beer and Watch This tour. Now they have a CD of their own coming out April 20. The 12-track album is filled with music the wrote together. You can pre-order Hold My Beer at the duo’s Bandcamp page for $9.99 to stream it and $11.99 for the CD.
1. In the Next Life
2. I Had My Hopes Up High
3. ‘Til It Does
4. Good Luck With That
5. It’s Been a Great Afternoon
6. I’ve Got Standards
7. El Dorado
8. Hangin Out In Bars
9. Lady Bug
10. Reasons To Quit
11. Lost & Found – Live Acoustic Bonus Track
12. Trouble – Live Acoustic Bonus Track